We laughed, cried, and grew together in unexpected ways, and we want to do it all again – with every one of YOU!  We took a deeper dive, participating in “11 Steps to Understanding Race, Racism and White Privilege” after video of George Floyd’s killing emerged.  There were short films and articles and conversations in manageable bits.  These steps were developed by a high school teacher and writer who, like Pacific Unitarian, has a passion for social justice and civic engagement. 

As UUs, we have a theological mandate to work toward equality and justice for all. Yet, we live in a society where growing disparities between Whites and Black, Indigenous/People of Color (BIPOC) are continually perpetuated. If you want to better understand how you can be part of the solution, come together and commit to learning with facilitators Kimberly Pratto-Storr, Melissa Tyrrell, and Andrea Matson-deKay – all educators with children who grew up at Pacific Unitarian.

Sessions will be Saturday mornings 10:00-11:30, March 6th through April 10th. Please email admin@pacificunitarian.org to register.

Check out the curriculum: https://citizenshipandsocialjustice.com/2017/10/14/11-step-guide-to-understanding-race-racism-and-white-privilege/

Open to all – members, friends, and the public!