Social Justice
Pacific Unitarian’s mission compels us to manifest our values in the wider world. We actively donate time and resources to make the world a better place for all beings.
Pacific Unitarian Church’s mission compels us to manifest our values in the wider world. Grounded in our UU principles, we actively donate time and resources to make the world a better place for all beings. Pacific Unitarian actively curates organizations and projects for our members to engage with. We provide opportunities for you to make a powerful difference! Our ministry is headed up by a team of social justice associates who help to set the direction of our justice making. Opportunities are available for members and friends to participate in action.
As we, at Pacific Unitarian Universalist Church, mourn...
the death of George Floyd and the disproportionate impact COVID-19 has on people of color, we support Black Lives Matter. We strive to identify our actions and conversations that support the continuing oppression and white supremacy in our country and do better going forward. As people of faith and conscience dedicated to justice and liberation, we must name this truth.
We join the UUA in taking the following steps:
Truth-telling: Name the Ways Anti-Blackness Shows Up In and Around Us
Repair: Actively Build a Better Way
Resistance: Follow the Lead of Black Organizers
We Decry Anti-Asian Violence
The Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA) joins leaders across the country in decrying the recent surge of hate crimes against Asians and Asian Americans. In this last year, violence and verbal harassment targeting this community have been exacerbated by anti-Asian rhetoric and blame.
We call on federal, state, and local governments at every level to send the clear message that such actions will not be tolerated. We are in solidarity with victims, survivors, and families who have suffered loss and pain.
Learn MoreIn 2015, we deepened our Social Justice commitment to Harbor Interfaith Services in San Pedro.
Each year, members and friends of Pacific Unitarian give many tens of thousands of dollars to our Sunday morning worship service offerings. Money is given to community agencies, partners, and UUA initiatives which reach out to the community to put our faith into action:
Jay Nolan Community Services, Prison Women Book Sponsorship Fund, Top Sail Program (L.A. Maritime Institute), Communities for a Better Environment, The Charlie Sears Foundation, American Association of University Women, Aprendamos, UUA – Association Sunday, AIDSWalk LA, South Coast Interfaith Council (SCIC), Community’s Child, Camp de Benneville Pines Water Works, UUSC Bonding Out Program, Happy Hats for Kids, Circulo de Amigos, UULM of California, Habitat for Humanity, Clergy & Laity United for Economic Justice, OxFam Japan, Minister’s Discretionary Fund, Harbor Interfaith, Toberman Neighborhood Center, Square Foot Club for Harbor Interfaith Services Building Fund, UUSC – Justice Sunday, Peninsula Harbor CROP Hunger Walk, First Unitarian Church Immigration Bond Fund, Fort Collins Church, South Bay Family Health Clinic, Peace Over Violence, SPCA-LAUU-UNO, Central East Region Hurricane Relief, South Coast Interfaith Council, Drepung Loseling Phukhang Tibetan Buddhist Monks, UUA – Standing on the Side of Love, UU Legistlative Ministry for Earth Day, UUSC- Justice Sunday, One Voice, Food Forward…
Members find many powerful ways to offer direct service through a number of our groups, fundraisers and area projects:
- • One Voice – Holiday Food Distribution
- • Green Sanctuary Committee
- • Nancy Hofland Permaculture Garden
- • Habitat For Humanity
- • Harbor Interfaith Services
- • Toberman Neighborhood Center
- • Community’s Child
- • Green Sanctuary Committee
- • First Friday Social Justice Movie Night
The next Social Justice Committee meeting is Sunday, April 21 after service. To get up-to-the-minute information on all of our exciting social justice programs, email
Social Justice Events
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